Out of A&E, Toby & Kerry are patiently waiting for me. I explain the situation to them and we decide I should call the insurance guys up again to let them know what’s happened. As much as the attitude of the Dr’s irritated me, the fact that
they seemed so bemused by the whole thing had me fleetingly calm. I call up the insurance company and tell them what the hospital said, thinking they will grace me with some reassuring words like, “OK well if they think it’s not an issue, it’s not an issue, go ahead and enjoy yourself. Goodbye”. Instead, I’m met with a prompt message that they will get their agents in Borneo to seek out somewhere that will
provide me with the vaccine ASAP.
Oh shit. OK. So we’re still doing this. I have about seven hours to live now. We go back to the hostel we had stayed at the previous night and patiently wait for the insurance company to call back with information. I won’t name them because I really want their money, but, after a chaser call, I discover they’re checking with their agents in Borneo Indonesia. A completely different country to the one I’m in. At this point, they ask if I have any contacts I can use. This would generally be quite a frustrating comment for someone in this situation, but as luck would have it, I do have a contact.