Welcome to TMi!
If you’re wondering what TMi! is, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s what’s up. I spent far too long guiltily disregarding what was going on across the world. Maybe I had some idea, but it was never deeper than what social media was telling me. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
TMI stands for too much information. Because here, my motto is ‘no info, is too much info.’ The name was born promptly after I started my first investigation when I quickly realised, I wasn’t necessarily going to like everything I discovered. But with the discomfort came a new level of understanding about The World & the people in it.
Here’s how it works… Each month, I will choose a new country & discover everything I possibly can about it. No stone left unturned. I don’t think we can begin to understand the current state of a country, without first understanding it’s history and how that impacts modern day culture.
I don’t know what I’ll find, but I do know I’ll try my best to make it alive & interesting. So please join me on an adventure around the world, powered by knowledge.
We are not makers of history; we are made by history